
Gllashio: A Gift To Self

GLLASHIO: A Gift to Self is my first book. It stands for Gratitude,
Learn, Love, Affirmation, Scan body, Humour, Intention and
Outcome. It’s an unusual name – one I made up so I would
remember the steps.

Fed up with focusing on the negative and berating myself
for feeling the way I did post-cancer treatment, I created
the GLLASHIO system to help me get through the day in a
proactive and positive way. GLLASHIO: A Gift to Self invites
readers to recalibrate, renew, review, rethink, reward and
recreate themselves as they adapt to changed

– Jasmine Westerman

gllashio book

The idea behind GLLASHIO was to create a tool to optimise each day. It worked for me and it just might work for you too – or inspire you to create your own.

Jasmine Westerman


ASPIRERS, like GLLASHIO is an acronym where each letter of the Pocket Guide is a prompt where you the user are asked to consider an element each day.  If GLLASHIO were the survivors Guide, a tool that can assist you on a daily basis for reflection, focus and achievement of tasks, ASPIRERS takes your thinking to the next level into ‘Thriver’ territory.  It’s a tool that prompts you to think about how you view yourself and the world around you, and how it affects your life outcomes.  It causes you to think about how you operate in your own world and whether that serves you.  We think and interpret information differently, so there is real value in finding what works for you as an individual.  You may even choose to refine the tool to make it a better fit and make it work for you!  It’s in the process that you will find it. ASPIRERS can shift your life, if you choose to give it a go.

coming soon


How I Came to Write

“It was never my intention to become an author, particularly on this topic. After my experience with cancer and learning to live with the new me, I found writing therapeutic as I recalibrated and recreated my life. From this process I created something for myself. It worked, so I wondered could it help others too.

It is a simple tool, that is a call for action with self reward – the idea was to ‘share’ what worked for me so readers may find what works for them. Obviously every person’s journey with cancer, illness and life-changing events is different.

With GLLASHIO, I aim to share my journey and the tools that genuinely helped me. I know they won’t work for everyone, but they just might work for someone.”

jasmine portrait

Get Your Free GLLASHIO
Pocket Guide

GLLASHIO pocket guide is a constant reminder of the little
things I can do to optimise my day, every day. It lives on
my bedside table but is compact enough to fit in your
pocket or wallet.

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